This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! Psalms 118:24
Are you a morning person or a person who likes to stay under the warm covers on these brisk mornings? I am a morning person; I love seeing the sun come up over the horizon. My morning routine is to get up before 7am, have coffee and read my newspaper to stay on top of current events. Then I look forward to our 9am Bible Study zoom call.
Jesus in His model prayer, tells us to pray, “Give us our daily bread.” Matt 6:11. This not only implies our daily need of food, but also our daily need to be in prayer. Another thought in my daily prayer is, how may I pray for you? Is there a sickness, or sin in your life that we can pray for you? Sometimes we just need encouragement! Hebrews 3:13 tells us to encourage each other daily!
Another way to start your morning is to be in God’s word! In Acts 17:11, the Bereans examined the scriptures daily to see if what Paul was telling them was true.
Brothers and sisters, if I told you there was a way to do this every day would you be interested? For the past 3 years several have been meeting together on a Zoom call at 9am. These last no more than 15 minutes. Some have been on vacation and still joined us; it was nice to hear from someone in Greece or Ecuador! Ann Young lives in Florida in the wintertime and is on when able. For those 15 minutes, we study God’s word, we encourage and pray for each other. See Morgan or Sheryl and we will get you logged in!
As the song #848 in our hymn book says:
Ere you left your room this morning,
Did you think to pray?
O how praying rests the weary!
Prayer will change the night to day;
So when life seems dark and dreary,
Don’t forget to pray!
We could always use some prayers!