After much prayer and reflection, I’m preparing to step into a new chapter of ministry. Beginning October 1st, I will be moving from Summit Church of Christ to Florence Church of Christ, where I’ll be serving as the full-time preacher and counselor. Though my family and I will remain in Alexandria, KY, and the friendships we’ve built here at Summit will remain strong, this transition marks a change in our church home and the role God is calling me to. So how do we say goodbye in a time like this? How do we navigate the bittersweetness of farewells?
We can take comfort in the example of Moses, who, when preparing to say goodbye to the people he led, encouraged them to remember God’s faithfulness: “Be strong and courageous… for it is the Lord your God who goes with you” (Deuteronomy 31:6, ESV). The first step, then, is to encourage one another. Even in times of change, God is with us, guiding us forward.
Next, we remember Elijah, who passed his mantle to Elisha, leaving a legacy of faith and asking, “What can I do for you before I am taken?” (2 Kings 2:9, ESV). This shows us the second step: to pass the baton. As I step into my new role at Florence, I leave behind the work we have done together at Summit, trusting that it will continue to grow and flourish.
Then there’s Ruth, whose words to Naomi offer a powerful reminder: “Where you go, I will go… your people shall be my people” (Ruth 1:16, ESV). This is the third step: to stay connected. Though I’ll be serving in a different congregation, our bond in Christ remains unchanged.
Finally, consider David’s charge to Solomon: “Keep the charge of the Lord your God, walking in His ways” (1 Kings 2:2-3, ESV). This gives us the final step: to commission. As I begin this new chapter, I encourage you to continue walking faithfully in your own.
Friends, this is not a goodbye to friendships or the bond we share in Christ, but simply a transition into new roles. Let us take comfort in knowing that though the details may change, God’s love and our fellowship remain the same.