At every congregation of which I have been a member, there have always been special people. When we moved to Newnan, Billy was there. He was older than me by several years. He always wore a black suit with a white shirt and a black tie; white socks and polished black shoes. His eyesight was limited and he walked very carefully and deliberately. Regardless of how much hair tonic his parents used, his hair always looked like an explosion of a mattress factory. He would greet every one at the door or the water fountain. He called my Grandfather Brother Reagan, my Father Brother George and me, well I was little George Emory, even though I was the same size as him. Billy knew everyone by name and no one avoided or ignored him. Billy did what he could do with out reserve. He understood what Sunday worship service was about. He did his part to make everyone he met to feel welcome and that he was glad they were there.
2 Samuel 22 records “David’s Song of Praise” after the Lord rescued him from all of his enemies and from Saul. Verse 33 states, “God is my strong fortress, and he makes my way perfect.” God was Billy’s strong refuge. He gave him strength to do what he could. If you missed Sunday worship, Billy would remember and say that he missed you.
Last Sunday as Jeff ended his prayer with an Amen, Joey added his Amen. I smiled, not because it was funny, but rather Joey was worshiping with us. He was involved, doing the best he could. His enthusiastic greetings make us feel wanted. He is our special person and without him, we would be incomplete.
Paul wrote Timothy these words:
“Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth.” 2 Tim 2:15
He also told the Corinthians “…to do whatever will help you serve the Lord best …”. Sometimes it is the smallest of actions that produce the best results. “I am glad you are here”, “I missed you”, “AMEN”.
If you are a greeter, be a greeter, if you are a behind the scenes worker, do it fully. If “Amen” is all you can do, then say it.