In the Ellis household, I have been described as Dave Ramsay’s definition of the “nerd.” I enjoy creating our budgets, crunching the numbers, and looking at our retirement savings. Once I’m done “playing accountant”, Carrie and I will then hold a budget meeting to review this information. This meeting gives us a chance to see where we stand financially for the month with bills, expenses, retirement, and any extra money. One day, I was looking at our 401Ks and looking at the trends of each; they go up and go down. It got me thinking, how much time and effort goes into my faith?
We don’t receive a monthly statement from our heavenly father on how well we are doing as Christians. But it shouldn’t be too hard to reflect and pray to see where we stand with our faith. Many things happen in our lives that cause us to question our relationship with God. There is a comparison between life and the stock market. One day your investment could have a gain and then the next it could have a loss. The same can be said of our faith. This uncertainty can lead us to question our faith. Often financial advisors will say “stay the course”. The only advisor for our faith should be our Lord and Savior.
When people see their investments take a nosedive, they panic. This leads many to rethink their investment strategy. When we are down, we tend to lean into our faith more. But when we are on the upswing and life is going our way we must not forget about God and our relationship with Him. We should always be actively investing in our faith through spiritual disciplines, as it will benefit us far longer than our time on earth.
God will always be with us, through the good and bad times. Investing in retirements is easy, shouldn’t we spend the same amount of time and effort in faith?
Matthew 28:20 ESV
20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Isaiah 54:10 ESV
10 For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you.