In the “love story” of the book of Hosea, the prophet repeatedly
uses illustrations about fields and crops to implore the Israelite
nation to return to God and to teach them how to live their lives.
Hosea 10:12” Sow righteousness for yourselves,
reap the fruit of unfailing love,
and break up your unplowed ground;
for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you.”
Envision a plowed field, “earth” that is no longer hard and full of rocks. The field has been changed, carefully prepared and manicured, and is ready to receive “seeds” for “growth”.
Now consider your life, what “rocks” need to be “plowed” from the stony “ground” of your heart that makes it so hard and unable to grow?
Hosea is conveying to Israel to break up the hardness of their hearts as a plow breaks up unplowed ground since their hearts, like ours at times, had become hardened to God’s will as they desired to worship worthless idols rather than the one true God.
Unless their hearts were broken and cleaned up, the good “seeds” of God’s commands could not take root.
Likewise, we too must remove from our own hearts our secret sin and worthless “idols” if we expect God’s Word to take root, grow, and produce change in our lives.
You can break up the unplowed ground of your heart by acknowledging your sins and seeking the Lord. Ask for His forgiveness. Reaffirm your commitment to your faith and you will receive showers of His righteousness on you.