Do you know what this old white house is a picture of?
If you do, then you are a lifetime member of the Summit church of Christ! If you don’t, this old white house was our first meeting place, standing on over eleven acres here on US 27 and home to our current church building.
Today’s sermon will help us remember how Summit got started, but more importantly how our God works through people to accomplish his goals!
Summit was started by the dream of Harold and Louise Ginter who live in Grants Lick and drove by this place every Sunday and Wednesday to the Central church of Christ in Price Hill. Harold asked the Elders of Central to start a church in Northern KY. Through a lot of hard work, prayer, vision and the providence of our God, Summit was started.
Who will be the next visionary? Is it someone in the congregation today? Is it one of our young people? Who sees a deep need for Summit to grow? Who will put Summit in the 21st Century in technology? We have Facebook, Twitter, and House to House. How can we do more with our website! Is God leading you to share your ideas and talents?
Brothers and Sisters, Jesus chose twelve common people who left everything to follow Him, and they changed the world! We are truly blessed at Summit with Christian followers who are very, very talented. Who will be the next visionary?
Isaiah 6:8: I heard the voice of the Lord saying,” Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then he said, “Here I am, send me!”
Are you that person?