“A Conqueror’s Crown Awaits” by Neville Buchanan

“Do not fear what you are about to suffer…Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life” (Revelation 2:10).

The valley yawned endlessly before Elijah, shadows of discouragement
threatening to swallow him whole. Weariness etched lines around his eyes as he stared vacantly at the dusty sandals on his feet. Wasn’t God supposed to part these gloomy clouds of doubt?

Maybe you’ve found yourself in that same shadowy valley, friend, where hope seems a faded mirage. The challenges keep piling, the way growing dimmer. But take heart! See how the Tender Shepherd tended to His faithful prophet in this dark hour. The path to overcoming discouragement’s grip is clearly marked.

Care. First for the body He gave you. An angel touched Elijah, urging “Arise and eat” (1 Kings 19:5). Our Lord starts by caring for our frail forms through rest, nourishment, and nurturing our physical temples.

Remain. Ever in His presence. God invited the prophet, “Stand on the mount before the Lord” (v. 11). There, through the whispered breeze, Elijah encountered renewal. We too must intentionally remain, through prayer, stillness, and scriptural communion.

Overflow. Let your heart overflow with gratitude. Having restored Elijah’s soul, God reminded him of the faithful 7,000 (v. 18). Can’t you hear the Father’s tenderness? An overflow of thankfulness guides our minds to His countless kindnesses, even amid bleakness.

Walk. Faithfully in your purpose. With perspective renewed, God reminded Elijah of his calling – anointing new leaders (vv. 15-16). Just as He anointed you, placing “good works…beforehand” (Ephesians 2:10). No matter how dim, we must walk in our God-carved callings.

Nurture. An unwavering trust. Elijah’s shoulders grew light as he relinquished control to His Maker’s capable hands. What burden weighs you down, friend? Release it into the King’s able arms.

“Do not fear…” He whispers through the gloom. “Be faithful unto death…” No matter how endlessly the night stretches, joy awakens with the morning sun. “And I will give you the crown of life.”