“Deterioration of Civilization” by Neville Buchanan

How in the world did we get to a place where a child can say to a parent, “While I would never do it, I don’t think there is anything wrong with _____ (fill in the blank with smoking weed, skipping school, etc.)”. I continually hear statements like this (even from the highly educated).

There are two obvious reasons for the fast deterioration of our civilization.

First, people believe they should be the hero of every story. There is not a movie, sitcom or advertisement that does not use this hero narrative. It is all about “me”. It used to be love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. And love your neighbor as yourself.

Second, people believe they determine what is true. I heard Dr. Phil (S15E156) trying to explain to a 19-year-old that it was theft to take $130,000
without consent. She absolutely did not get it. Why? Because she said it made her happy and was not harming anyone.

Friend, show your family the hero of your story by living the two most important commandments. And, maybe like Chuck Gambill, show your family where truth can be found by carrying your Bible wherever you go.