“House of Prayer” by Billy Herald

It Is written, “My House will be a House of Prayer!”  Matthew 21:12

Prayer should be a very important part of every Christian life.  Prayer is a time we talk directly to God through Jesus Christ who hears all of our prayers. In 1 Thessalonians Paul encourages us to “Pray continually.”  Jesus encouraged his disciples to pray and never give up. In Luke 18, Jesus tells us a praying person is someone who cries out to God night and day.  Praying to a Christian should be a normal part of your spiritual nature, as food is a normal part of your physical nature.

Paul tells us in 1 Timothy 2:8, I want men “everywhere” to lift up holy hands in prayer.  Everywhere? Some might say, I thought we only prayed at Church and before meals?  A Christian should be building a close relationship with the heavenly father. You talk daily with friends and loved ones.   Shouldn’t your relationship with God deserve that type of daily conversation?

Brothers and Sisters, let me encourage you to pray without ceasing!  As the theme for 2023 will be “Growing in Christ” I believe one of the best ways to do this is in our prayer life!  As Paul tells us to pray everywhere, that could mean at school, work, the gym, the store, hospitals, and family gatherings. Let’s make next year a big year for the Lord’s Church at Summit, and grow in our Lord Jesus Christ!  So that Summit will be known as a “House Of Prayer!”