Last week was just one of those weeks. Every day was almost a 12-hour workday. One day I found myself leaving the office (yes, we have returned) around 8:30 pm. I got into my truck and followed the same path home I usually take. To get on the interstate from the office, one must navigate through a traffic light. I reached this light, only to be stopped by a red light. There were no cars in any direction, and I found myself complaining.
Why am I just sitting here? Do I run this light? Can it change to green already? Have you ever been in a situation such as this? The more and more I complained, I found myself getting angrier. Once the light was green, I put the pedal to the medal and was calm.
This occurrence got me thinking, why did I complain so much? Complaining is not healthy. We see that this was common to the Israelites in their journey through the wilderness. God was not pleased with their complaining. God is not happy about our complaining either. As Christians, complaining allows us to spread evil. It is the devil’s way of luring us in.
In Philippians 2, 14 Do all things without grumbling or disputing, 15 that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,
Paul says we must do everything without grumbling. As hard as it may seem, it is possible with the grace of the Lord. When we realize this, there is no reason for us to complain. When his grace reaches us, we become more humble and thankful.