“Just Do It!” by Robert Murphy

Back in 2015, a hilariously dramatic video came out of Shia LaBeouf in front of a green screen screaming “JUST DO IT” along with other incoherent, ad-libbed motivational proverbs. Surprisingly, this ridiculous video had a huge impact on me because, silly as it was, it spoke the truth. At Freed-Hardeman, I was surrounded by people who grew up going to church most of their lives. They already knew everything that they were supposed to do. However, a lot of my friend had trouble actually living it out. I realized that I was one of those people in some areas of my life. In the summer of 2015, I decided to take action in my life and make more changes to be conformed to the image of Jesus (Rom 8:29). This year has also had many of those same transformations.

My exhortation to you is to take action in your spiritual life. I am sure that most of you already know the things that you should be doing, but you have made excuses because it is an inconvenience. Have you been evangelizing? Have you been praying? Have you gained self-control over your temper or lustful thoughts? There are many reasons why you may have put these off. It takes hard work to change many of these things! But the devil is tricking you into thinking you can do it later, that you will have more energy and time later, that it will be more convenient later. But that is a trick to get you to continue doing it so that it will only be more difficult to stop later on. If you know what you need to do, the time is now. Just do it! “Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin” (James 4:17; NASB).