The state motto of KY is United we stand, divided we fall. Our fore fathers knew long ago that unity is very important for any organization to prosper.
In Genesis chapter11 the people all spoke the same language and were all united in their actions. They wanted to build a tower that would reach into heaven so they could make a name for themselves. In verse 6 God said “Because they all speak the same language, there is nothing that is impossible for them to accomplish.” God went down and confused their language and scattered them all over the earth. All that we do should be for God’s glory and not for that of man
In John 17 Jesus prayed to his father for unity for his disciples. Jesus also prayed that the Father and Son would glorify each other, and that all believers would be united in their faith and their love for one another.
In John 13 Jesus showed his love for his disciples by washing their feet. Jesus did this to show their unity, that no one was better than the next person.
I believe that, as God said, because the people were united, Nothing they put their minds to do was impossible. My dream for Summit is that we would be united in our love for each other and our service; that we love to do God’s will. If we unite our talents and skills, as we have proven, we can accomplish great things. You may think you have nothing to offer, but when your abilities, large or small, are united with others the Lord can use them. Don’t wait to be asked to help; take a step of faith and volunteer. If you see a need ask someone to unite with you and God will help you find a way to fill that need. It takes everyone working together to help Summit reach out to the community.
We should strive to have the unity of the early church. In Acts 2 all the believers were united in one accord, willing to give of themselves and their possessions to help those in need, to help spread the gospel.
Brothers and sisters of Summit, united we stand, but divided????
Will you choose to stand with us?