According to a study from Duke University, roughly 40% of a person’s actions don’t happen because we make a conscious decision. This 40% of our actions are determined by habit. Wendy Wood, in her session at the American Psychological Association’s 122nd annual convention, discussed habits. She explains, “Habits allow us to focus on other things…Willpower is a limited resource, and when it runs out you fall back on habits.”
When our willpower is low, habits kick in. This can be very comforting if our habits are positive and constructive. Remember that Daniel had a habit of praying three times every day. But if our habits are destructive or negative it can be terrifying and usually damaging to our lives and relationships. Don’t be fooled though, we create our habits. Negative or positive they are the product of our choices.
What kind of habits have we chosen to create? Do we need to change our habits? Are we willing to change them? Start taking action. Make a conscious decision to act differently and it will eventually become a habit. With the right effort and direction it’ll be a good habit, and good habits die hard too.