The cell phone is a tool that can help or hurt communication. You probably heard of the young lady who was ironing when her phone rang. Thinking the iron was her phone she burned her ear. But what puzzled the Doctor was that both ears were burned. “Well obviously the slick salesman called back”, she explained.
We might laugh at this, but aren’t we guilty of the same thing? You see, a cell phone can either be a form of communication or a hot iron that is repeatedly burning us.
I remember the days of the “landline only” communication. We hardly ever missed or ignored a call. Also, the batteries did not run out and we did not misplace our stationary home phone. I can vividly remember running to answer the phone. And if perchance we did miss a call, the answering machine would take a message. Communication was something of value. And so, families were closer.
Similarly, Disciples can take prayer and the Bible for granted – and thereby miss incredible communication opportunities to grow closer to God.
Paul gives Disciples a great example in Philippians 1:3–4 (ESV) — 3 I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, 4 always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy.
Father God, thank you so much for granting us access to your throne through your Son. Help us never to miss an opportunity to communicate with You. Through Him do we pray, amen.