“My Delight in Time Spent with God” by Robert Murphy

I anticipate that 2023 will be the busiest and most difficult year of my life. I am in the process of studying for my three comprehensive exams for my PhD (if I fail one of them, I am out of the program). In addition, I am teaching a Hebrew class at Freed-Hardeman (online) this semester. And, of course, I have my responsibilities to my family and to you all.

I do not write this to boast about my busy schedule or to invoke pity. I chose this life, and I could quit most of it if I really wanted. Instead, I write this because I want to share the best part of my day:

Though I must read, study, and translate over 100 pages of dense academic literature in 6 different languages each day, I find the most immense joy, delight, and peace when I read God’s word. Though my mind grows dull and cold from the weariness of prolonged study, reading and studying the Bible stoke the flames of my heart and soul. Scripture is itself a rest and rejuvenation from the vain labor in which I toil on this earth. I also find great peace in prayer to God throughout the day. I become pleasantly distracted thinking about my church family, how wonderful they are, how I can help them, when I can speak to them next. I become overwhelmed with joy contemplating my awesome God and the life he has given me and the wonderful people he placed on this earth to be my spiritual family.

Again, I share this with you, not to boast, but because I want you to experience this. We are all busy, and many of you experience more stress and are busier than myself. I beg you to seek tranquility in Jesus Christ. He is our rest and our sabbath. The gospel message, the good news, is that his yoke is easy and his burden is light. He is our refuge from all the vanity that is under the sun. If you feel burned out and weary, cling to him, rest in him. Prayer and the scriptures are not a burden to bear, but a joy to be experienced, for through the scriptures we encounter the Word of God and through prayer God transforms our hearts to become more like his own.