“Selah” by George Reagan

“Selah”, a mysterious word, the exact meaning of which scholars cannot totally agree.   It is a Hebrew word, found 74 times in the Old Testament (71 times in Psalms and 3 times in Habakkuk).  Selah first appears in between verses 2 and 3 of Psalm 3 and always only in the context of a song.  The definition given by some is “Amen”; others think it is a musical term for instruments such as, a full measure rest, or “Allegro” or some other musical meaning.   Others think the meaning is an “interlude” or “stop and contemplate”.  I lean toward STOP and CONTEMPLATE and call Selah a “hand over the heart moment”.   This is a time to capture the words or meaning in our hand and place them in our heart and hold them there so we can digest the full meaning and strengthen our soul.

There are many such moments in Scripture.  Each of us could list many such verses.  I encourage you to do so and take time to think about your personal favorites.

Isaiah 40: 28-31 is a “Selah” moment. When we are tired and life seems to be too difficult to endure, God promises we will have our strength renewed and rise up as on the strong wings of an eagle.  “Strength of an Eagle”

Consider John 1:1-18 and especially verses 12 and 13 as a “Selah” event.   Placing these words in our heart and realizing the full meaning takes more than a few seconds of our time.  The promise and meaning will expand in our heart and the longer we hold the words there, the greater the hope we have.  Imagine a lifetime, as a child of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY with all the privileges and promises He has granted.

Genesis 1, a chapter of simple faith.   “SELAH”   God gives us a transparent explanation so that anyone can understand “in the beginning”.  It is not a scientific interpretation of the beginning and the creation; rather, Genesis is the starting place for us as children of God, to understand and realize that “in the beginning” there was chaos, disorder and confusion.  “In the beginning” the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY changed that chaos into order, calmness, repose and the list goes on.  God saw that all HE had done was good.  HE can and still does change the chaos in our hearts to faith, hope and love.  Hold that in your heart.