“Shall Your Brethren Go To War While You Sit Here?” by Steve Proctor

Just before Israel entered the promised land the tribes of Reuben and Gad asked to settle in the land east of the Jordan.  Reuben and Gad had a lot of livestock and the land of Jazer and Gilead were great for raising it.  So, they wanted to stay where they were instead of crossing over with the rest of the nation.

In Numbers 32 we find Moses’ response, “Shall your brethren go to war while you sit here?”

We often find ourselves where we are comfortable and at ease.  It’s easy for us to look around and see that we pretty well have it made.  We have a great deal of freedom to worship and teach as we please.  We find a great deal of comfort in our current situation.  Generally speaking, we find comfort in the work of others.  Someone else takes care of the heavy lifting and we are happy to sit where we are; not going backwards, but not moving forward.  We’re all guilty of it from time to time, including myself- more often than I’d like to admit.  But we must answer Moses’ question, “Shall your brethren go to war while you sit here?”

A spiritual war is raging around and within us.  We can’t sit by and watch others fight while we sit in safety.  Many saints have fought bravely up to this moment.  We must be among them.  We must take up arms, the word of God, and fight on. 

Sitting out only discourages those who fight.  Not fighting with our brothers and sisters is just as bad as taking up arms against them.

Be active.  Be involved.  Fight. Let’s not let our brethren go to war while we sit.