Recently at work, employees were cleared to resume traveling again. As a result, this will require me to travel across the country to multiple cities, booking hotels, rent cars, etc. There are a lot of logistics to make this happen. I could do this myself, but I want to seek out the advice of travel advisors at work. There are times in our lives where we need guidance from others. Failure to do so could create failure in our lives.
In the book of Proverbs, we see the importance of taking advice.
“The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.” (Proverbs 12;15)
As the verse states, an unwise man thinks he is always right. Wise men will always listen and take advice as needed. We can also see earlier in the book that some do not want advice. “Would have none of my counsel and despised all my reproof.” (Proverbs 1:30)
Seeking advice benefits us. Consider what happens when we ignore sound biblical advice. Rehoboam is a perfect example. He started listening to the counsel of older and wise men. In verse 8, Rehoboam left this counsel.
“But he abandoned the counsel that the old men gave him and took counsel with the young men who had grown up with him and stood before him.” (1 Kings 12:8)
There are misconceptions about accepting advice. The Bible shows us the importance of seeking advice. Just because one is looking for advice does not mean he is ignorant. Seeking knowledge or direction shows that we are wise. If we do not, it can lead to failure. If I do not seek out advice, it could result in disappointment for my company. Will you seek God’s guidance?