“Vessels of Glory” by Robert Murphy

In Steve’s class on Acts, we have seen repeatedly how the apostles spoke with such boldness, such authority, such conviction. They did not submit to the Jewish leaders when they asked them to stop and later imprisoned them. Rather they preached the gospel more boldly. They knew that their authority did not lie in their credentials (family, wealth, political office, education), but rather with their relationship with Christ.

Where is this authority today? In the same place that it was at the beginning of time itself – in Jesus Christ. Those who have been baptized into Christ and proclaim the Gospel also hold this authority. This Gospel is the most important thing that anyone could hear in their lifetime. It possesses more gravitas than any movie quote, any book excerpt, any presidential speech. Again, I ask, where is this authority? It is in broken vessels. It is in a rugged tent. It is in ourselves. The authority does not reflect our outward appearance or status, but rather our beauty and prestige before the Father. We must cease from proclaiming the gospel as though it is a banal, trivial, quotidian matter and rather as the power of God. We need not maim our message by saying, “This is what I find true for myself. Try it out for size.” Rather, we ought to say, “This is the Truth and submitting to it is objectively the best decision anyone can make.” I pray for myself and for all of you that we may proclaim the Truth with even more boldness in the face of fear and persecution.