“Bearing One Another’s Burdens” by Neville Buchanan

What were the burdens the heavy-laden souls brought to you this week? Was it someone feeling overwhelmed by life? Or was it a soul who found everything going from bad to worse? From day to day, I don’t know who it is going to be or what the burden will be – I only know God is calling me to “bear one another’s burdens” (Gal.6:2).

For Peter, Jesus ministered to his guilt-ridden soul by asking him three times if Peter loved him (Jn.21:17). Jesus knew that was the right question because He had taken the time to get to know Peter. Who can you minister to today by more fully getting to know them?

Sometimes bearing one another’s burden means bringing in someone to help share the burden. For Peter and Paul, it was realizing that God called them to minister to two different groups. Peter being called primarily to the Jews and Paul’s focus was to the Gentiles (Gal.2:9).

At times being a burden bearer can be almost too demanding. For Jesus, that day came when he spelled out the extent of what following Him would mean. Most of the disciples left him. But His loyal 12 reassured Him that they were in for the long-haul (John 6:67-69).

Friend, the workload is huge – are you ready to step up? Then trust you have the resources you need (Acts 3:6) and serve as if you were helping our Lord Jesus Himself (Mt.25:40).