Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. ~ Matthew 5:8
On this side of eternity, we must train our eyes and hearts to be able to see God. The separation from God that sin brought to the human condition blocks us from seeing God with clarity. Reflecting on the beatitudes that Jesus spoke to begin his sermon on the mount, you might notice that he provided spiritual glasses that help us to cut through the fog that blocks our sight of Him.
Jesus prescribes a pure heart as the solution to seeing God. It seems that we see God with our heart while we live in an earthly body. When the heart is squeezed by worldly attitudes and filled with anger or unforgiveness, it is impossible for us to recognize the face of God. To see God requires a cleansing of the heart. Christ’s blood cleanses us of our sin, but only walking daily in step with the Spirit purifies our heart.
Seeing God is worth all the effort that it takes to keep our hearts pure. When God’s face is obscured, fear and doubt can take hold. But, when God’s face is clear, gratitude and praise bubble up from inside. During these days of uncertainty and isolation, make an extra effort to clean the windshield of your heart so that you don’t miss the most beautiful sight your heart will ever see.