“The Body of Christ” by Brad Herald

In the pre-teen class this quarter we will be studying from the book “Why I am a Member of the Church of Christ” by Leroy Brownlow and I will be using a lesson plan created by Bill Cantrell to teach the class. I plan to share some of the lessons in the bulletin throughout the quarter.

In our first lesson we reviewed what the church of Christ is not. One of the points we focused on was the church is not the material building.

I explained to the kids how Summit started in a basement of a house and we discussed how the physical structure we use now is designed to make it convenient to meet together for worship, but the church is not a material structure.

To support this point, we reviewed how the church is the body of Christ (Eph. 1:22-23) and how the body is made up of the members (Romans 12: 4-5). I then explained that since the members are the body, and since the body is the church, therefore the members are the church.

We also discussed how the church of Christ is not a denominational church and how it is not a man- made church, but we closed the lesson by discussing how to become a member of the church (Acts 2:41 and verse 47).

Hear the word. Believe. Proclaim your faith. Repent. Be baptized. The saved are added to the church.