“A Higher Plain” by Neville Buchanan

Recently I hear a lot about “heart focused meditation” and its link to Christianity. The usual secular and eastern philosophy type of meditation causes the mind and the heart to wander. However, Christian meditation is from the heart and is focused.

When last did you spend even 10 minutes focused (from your heart) on all that God is doing for you. It’s a simple exercise of breathing in through the nose for 4 counts and breathing out of the mouth for 6 counts while meditating, from the heart, on feelings of GRATITUDE, APPRECIATION, COMPASSION, and CARE. For instance: Thank you Lord for watching over one of our teens yesterday during the accident. I am so GRATEFUL and feel so blessed that you spared his life.

Friend, if you have been raised with Christ, you should be seeking things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. You should be meditating on things above, not on things on this earth (Colossians 3:1–2 adapted).

When you join Jesus, on higher ground, things of this earth grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. Doubts, temptation, fears, guilt, and anger slip away as you scale new heights and see His gentle face.

Friend, using your heart, scale the utmost heights so that you may: look upon His gentle face; feel His meekness; experience His compassion; and become infused with the knowledge of His care.
Words from songs: Higher Ground & Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
-App for breathing: “The Breathing App”
-Photo from Donna Painter