“Master of Puppets” by Robert Murphy

What we value controls us. If we value money, whoever gives us money controls us. If we love praise, the opinion of others is what we seek. If we are addicted to drugs, we will do whatever it takes to get those drugs. We are dogs willing to do tricks for a treat.

We all value food, clothing, shelter, and life itself. But the deeper question is how much power do these external things hold over us? Another way to phrase the question- is there something I value more than life itself? As Christians, I hope our answer is “yes.” We should not be willing to compromise our faith and our character for these external goods. We ought to value the opinion of God rather than that of men. Like Jesus and the martyrs, we should be willing to endure physical suffering and pain and death

In order to know if our answer is truly “yes,” we have to think about how our values practically play out in our lives? Have you ever sinned to get ahead in school, work, or life or to avoid consequences? Do you often prioritize your work or “self-care” time over assembling with your spiritual family? If you answered “yes” to these questions, what makes you think that you would take up a cross like Jesus and be crucified with him? You are simply a puppet controlled by your desires and external circumstances. You lack freedom and agency. Thankfully, you can cut loose from these strings and no longer be the world’s marionette. You can choose to surrender your whole life to God one action at a time by choosing to value honor in God’s eyes more than anything the world has to offer.

For encouragement, read Matt 5:10–11; 6:33; 16:24–26; 2 Cor 4:16–18; Hebrews, Philippians, James 1:2–4; 1 Pet 3:8–22.

Outside scripture, read 4 Maccabees and Foxe’s Book of Martyrs (these should be on the public domain on the internet and at the library).