“Ten Ways to Make the Most of Every Lord’s Day” by Robert Murphy

1. Prepare your family’s clothes and make food preparations the night before to reduce the chaos on
Sunday morning.

2. Wake up early enough to do your own personal prayers and meditation. Take this time to think about God’s goodness and thank him for all his blessings.

3. Sing and listen to hymns in your home and in your car throughout the day.

4. Go to Bible class. The teachers have spent time studying all week to present to you the wisdom and beauty of God form his word. You should take full advantage of that opportunity. Plus, learning the Bible with your church family is a whole different experience than personal study time.

5. Engage in the service with your heart by thinking about how God has blessed you and how much you love your church family. Such thoughts help me to overlook the ‘imperfections’ of the service and to be thankful for the opportunity to worship God with my spiritual family.

6. Engage in the service with your mind by singing the songs, following along the scriptures in your own Bibles and taking notes.

7. Engage your body in the service through your own preference of prayer posture. Kneel on the ground. Lift your hands in the air. Hold the hand of the person next to you. Bow your head and clasp your hands together. Whatever helps you to engage in prayer is what you should do.

8. Cherish communion. Do your best in the short time dedicated to communion to engaging your heart, body, and mind in communion. Be thankful for the sacrifice of Jesus and rejoice in the salvation that the cross provided.

9. Stay after services and talk with visitors and other Christians. Don’t just talk to the people you talk to every Sunday. Branch out and get to know the brothers and sisters you worship with. Go out to eat with others for lunch at every opportunity.

10. Spend the rest of the day resting and enjoying your physical/spiritual family. Worship doesn’t end at noon. You can worship by yourself or with others. Engage in discussions about the Bible. Get a group together and sing. Spend time in prayer. Evangelize. Help those in need. The opportunities are endless.