“Take Hold of Eternal Life” by Tom Painter

Fight the good fight of the faith.  Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, 1 Timothy 6:12.

In just a couple weeks, some of Summit’s men will gather at Potter’s Ranch for the annual men’s retreat. One of the topics we always reflect on is how we can take hold of the eternal life God calls us to.  Men, the world over, want lives that are significant, full of purpose and power.  We want our lives to matter.  I dare say this desire is not limited to men only.  Read on for some abbreviated thoughts on how to take hold for the eternal life God offers us all. 

Be Authentic: Do not make apologies for your faith, but be transparent with those around you.  Struggle openly and honestly when trouble comes your way.  Don’t hide your gifts, but embrace them in God’s service.  In so doing the glow of Christ will shine out of your life.

Be Intentional: Do not waste days or years in aimless living. Know the unique purpose God has for your life and pursue it. Run the race to win, with purpose, not by accident.

Be Present: Half of success in any part of life is showing up.  Stick with it when it is hard and you want to quit.  Do the work that is in front of you.  Make a positive difference in every sphere of your life: marriage, family, work, recreation, Church.

Be Malleable: As we live life with intention and purpose, remain open to God’s shaping of our life and plan.  Understand that God’s reality is infinitely better than the best accomplishment of life that we can imagine.