“Phylacteries” by Steve Proctor

Matthew 23:5 But all their works they do for to be seen of men:  They make wide their phylacteries and enlarge the borders of their garments.

Phylactery n. small leather box containing Hebrew text, worn by Jewish men during prayer

Phylacteries were small leather boxes that men would put bits of scripture in and wear on leather headbands that would wrap around their heads so that the box hung between their eyes.  Another box was attached to the back of their right hands.  This was done in order to be in strict compliance with what GOD told them in Deuteronomy 6:8.

Deuteronomy 6:8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between their eyes.

I am convinced that we need to wear Phylacteries today…

We should wear the word of GOD on our hands. This way the word will affect everything we touch.  If we carry the word and attach it to our hands, we will be able to avoid those works of the flesh Paul was talking about.  The word will cause us not to want to have anything to do with those works.  Carrying the word with us will be contagious. If we attach the word, it will affect everything we do.  Everything we do will speak to the glory of GOD.

We should wear the word of GOD before our eyes as frontlets.  This way the word will affect everything we see.  James compared the word to a glass that shows us what we truly look like.  In this same manner we can use this glass to see what the world truly looks like.  (James 2:23-25) Do we see the depravity of the world?  The word will help us.  Do we see the immorality of the world?  The word will help us.  Do we see the world as an OK place and nothing to be concerned about?  The word will help us.  Do we not see the people in the world for the lost souls that they are?  The word will help us.  Do we not see through the false teachings and teachers?  The word will help us.

Are we wearing the word on our hands and before our eyes?

Are we letting the word affect our works?

Are we letting the word bring everything into proper focus?

It is vital that we carry the word in our hearts so that it does all these things.  And just how do we carry the word with us?  Study…

II Timothy 2:15 Study to show thyself approved unto GOD, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.