“Vacillating to Victorious” by Neville Buchanan

Do you have days when you start your spiritual race strong but then trip along the way? Many of God’s greatest have stumbled along the way.

  • Moses when he murdered a man.
    • David when he committed adultery and had the
    husband murdered.
    • Peter when he denied Jesus THREE times.
    • Judas when he betrayed Jesus.
    • And the chosen disciples when they fled.

Tripping along the way should not be the final chapter of your spiritual story. For Judas Iscariot – it was. So, how do you stop Vacillating so that you can be

  1. Pray for strength and guidance (lead us not into
    temptation but deliver us from evil).
    2. Pay attention to your attitude by getting enough SLEEP & EXERCISE – and by EATING
    correctly and MEDITATING on God’s word.
    3. Take preventative action. Know yourself – learn to recognize your weaknesses:
    a. What places should you avoid?
    b. What happens to you emotionally when you are “triggered”?
    4. When tempted, do you use the Sword of the Spirit by quoting it to yourself?
    5. Do you have an accountability partner of the same gender (James 5:16)?
    6. Are you continually repenting and confessing?

Friend, Peter, and the Apostles finished strong – and so must we!