“Elevator to Heaven” by Brad Herald

At CYC last month, one of the sources of entertainment between the devotionals was the S.W.A.T group putting on skits.  While I do not remember all of the specific scenes, one skit that was impactful was called “elevator to heaven”.

In this skit the elevator “doorman” was repeatedly calling out “elevator to heaven, elevator to heaven” to get people’s attention as they walked by and to encourage them to get on. One character was kind of interested in getting on, but something came up and he decided he would get on the elevator another time.

Another character was really interested in getting on, but he did not want anyone else to know because he did not want people to think he was “one of those Christian fanatics”. This character actually got on the elevator, but promptly got off at another stop when he recognized some people from work and he did not want them to see him.

While this summary does not tell the whole story of the skit, I think we can all recognize the theme is that there is only one way to heaven and that we cannot be ashamed of our faith.

Fear and faithlessness leads to unbelief.

Hebrews 3:19 “So we see that they were not able to enter, because of their unbelief.”