What to Expect

“For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.” (I John 3:11)

You will be treated as an honored and respected guest. You will not be embarrassed in any way, nor solicited for contributions. Our purpose is to be governed in all things by the Bible alone. Hence, our worship consists only of the activities which were included in worship during the first century.

Here is what you may expect when you visit Summit:

  • Announcements of interest to the congregation will be made by one of the men. You will be welcomed as guests during this time. You will be asked to complete a Visitor’s Card so that we may have a record of your visit. All information will be kept in confidence; no information will be given to other churches or agencies.
  • We will sing songs of praise to God (Col. 3:16). Summit uses congregational a capella (vocal) music in its services. You are welcome to join in the singing.
  • We will be led in prayer by one of the men. (I Cor. 14:15).
  • We will partake of the Lord’s Supper — the bread and fruit of the vine (I Cor. 11:24-26). It is between you and the Lord whether you participate in the Lord’s Supper; you will not be pressured or embarrassed in anyway. (Communion is now served in individually packaged sets that are available for pick-up at the welcome table in the foyer.)
  • The members of the Summit congregation will have an opportunity to contribute of their physical blessings (I Cor. 16:1-2). As a guest, you are not expected to participate in this activity.
  • One of the men of the congregation will read several scriptures from the Bible.
  • Our minister will deliver the sermon based on the Bible.
  • After the sermon, an invitation song (song of encouragement) will be sung. At this time we invite any person who wishes to come to Christ to do so.
  • One of the men will lead the congregation in a closing prayer.

From time to time we will have a fellowship meal following either the morning or evening service. We always prepare sufficient food for guests who wish to stay for the meal. You will be our honored guest for this fellowship meal. However, if you have other plans and cannot join us, we naturally understand.